Friday, December 16, 2005


Baby boy hat is looking good! I should be fine for having it done tomorrow. I can knit in the car on the way to the party, haha.... but I am more than halfway there! I did ribbing on the bottom, instead of a roll brim like the girl's hat, and I think I am going to put a pom pom on top instead of a knot. They should look good together! You can see Santa here apporoving the hat so far on Cynthia's desk.

Santa also enjoys playing in the ball of yarn. I don't blame him, it's sooooo soft! Haha.

I will have a finished pic of the baby girl hat later, but my boyfriend is coming to visit this weekend so I probably won't be doing a whole lotta blogging!!!

Have a great weekend everyone!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are so incredibly cool and awesome, I MUST learn how to do that!
This is Sarah btw
PS Petey #24.3 says hi, he says you need to make a booty for his peg leg :)