Monday, August 27, 2012

More Monsters Multiplying

First off I finally went and bought some white felt so I could make monster mouths! Here is N's monster with his new mouth:

She can now stop pointing at his face and pointing at her mouth and looking at me like, "where is his mouth mom?" :-) If you can see in the pic, I decided to sew the mouth on instead of gluing... mostly because I don't have a hot glue gun and also I feel this is more secure. I only sewed along the bottom of the teeth so they can kind of stick out a little. Worked out well! I ended up needing to make 2 mouths... one for N's monster and one for...

Monster #2! He is going to my friend's son. When she saw the first monster I made she had mentioned how much she would love one for her little man and I couldn't help myself!

Pattern: Harold the Houseplant Monster
Yarn: Plymouth Yarn Encore Worsted

I like how each monster has their own "look" and personality. :-) Right now I have started a sweater for Norah for the 2nd time (the first one was turning out huge), so I will post about that as soon as I make sure this one is going to fit. I am stashbusting using leftover yarn from the twin baby blankets I made... which I haven't blogged about because I was waiting until I sent them to my friend. Soon though!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

L O V E these, lauren!