Thursday, January 18, 2007

Super Speed

I made a baby hat in 2 days! lol.... I dont know what came over me, I just really wanted to get it done. It's my own creation, I used the yarn harlot's guidelines to determine a size for my cousin's little girl. Used 2 balls of Rowan Cashsoft DK, one pink one purple. I cast on 90 sts, and did k2,p2 ribbing for 3 1/4 inches. (I really just stopped when I felt like it was long enough, haha). Then I did stockinette stitch for awhile, changing colors from pink to purple and back whenever I felt like it. I wanted a random pattern. So i did stripes for like another 3 1/4 inches or so, and then began decreases. I divided my 90 sts by 9, which gives me 10, so I started with (k2tog, k8), knitting a plain row in between, and then doing k2tog, knit 7 (one less than the previous decrease)... doing the classic spiral decrease on the top (or trying to). I had to switch to dpns as it shrunk. I finished it off with a crappy pompom I made. I really need to work on making those! But it looks alright. I love this yarn.

OK Now I gotta start a pair of fetching for my coworker!!!! I <3 knitting :)


Anonymous said...

Cute hat! I like the random stripes! I've never knit with any Rowan yarns, but there might be some Cashsoft in my future!

Unknown said...

How cute is that!!