Thursday, January 05, 2006

new years!

Whew! Sorry it has taken me so long to update this thing. I had a long, fun new year's weekend. I ended up going to Cincinnati to my friend E's place... it was fun! Lots of champagne and all that... mmmm. Stash picture! This is a lovely pic of my current stash, minus a few skeins I bought the other day. You can see my growing pile of knitting books, and a bunch of leftover yarn there in the front. This is the yarn (lion brand homespun) I used to make my mom's scarf, (which I will eventually get a pic of), and I bought more so I can make her a matching hat, which is cast on, but not too much past that... I got distracted by other projects. :-) Harry potter scarf yarn!!!!! (Cascade) And I finally got the needles for it this last weekend also! So I am excited about starting that soon. Can't start it yet though... I am making my friend Shawn a cat blanket... and I am nearing the end! I have all 4 of the middle squares done, so I just need to sew them together and then do the border. I showed her the colors today and she loved them, so yay! Pics will ensue when I am done. (looking at plain squares is not very exciting) So tonight was fun, I went over to Shawn's and we made shrinky-dinks. I even made a little yarn one, because I am cool like that. And an evil penguin one. But yeah, shrinky dinks are the shit. little yarn shrinky dink. Evil penguin!!!! Well it's bedtime, because I am sick, and never get enough sleep anyway. At least it's FRIDAY! nite!

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