Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Number 4

Happy 4TH Blogiversary to me!!!! WOW! Have I been really dragging this thing on for 4 YEARS? I guess so! Thanks to anyone who has ever read a sentence here... or left a comment - It's nice to hear from you all!

Hope everyone is getting ready for Christmas.... it is getting CLOSE. I got to the point where I divided for the sleeves on my dad's vest, and I still need to buy something for my secret project... and then maybe squeak in a hat for my bro! Good luck to everyone else with your Christmas knitting (especially you, cynthia!!!)

4 comments: said...

Is there anything out of the ordinary about Cynthia's todo list? Happy blogversary!

SusanB-knits said...

Happy blogiversary! Cynthia may surprise you and get it done! Me? I pared my gift knitting list way down.

YarnThrower said...

Happy Blogiversary!

And also, Cynthia is nuts.

Unknown said...

Happy blogiversary! I have no idea when mine is.