Hey all! Sorry I haven't posted... it's been crazy busy.
I have to finish a pair of fetching by this weekend, but I am 70 percent done, so that shouldn't be a problem. Havent worked on much else though... eek! One of my coworkers just had her baby, so now that I know that it's a boy I can start knitting blue things! :D
Labor day weekend was very fun, I got to go up to a friend's lake on saturday, and got to lay around and be a bum, and get ice cream, and do many fun things! I just wish I had a "real" job so I wouldn't have to worry about making up the lost hours this week... bleh.
Let's see, what else is going on? Well partially why I haven't knitted much is I have been playing computer games again... I had a 10 day free trial for WoW: burning crusade (If you dont know what that is, then congrats: you're not a nerd), so I decided to go ahead and activate it this last weekend... so gotta get my playing in while it's still free! lol.
So now that you all know how much of a huge dork I am, I better get back to work. LOL.
Have a good week!