Saturday, March 24, 2007

Slow but Steady

Wow! I first want to say thanks to everyone for leaving me such nice comments on my last post! I think 7 comments is the most I have ever had. I feel so loved. :-D

OK on to the knitting, which I assume is why you all are here!

Sock progress!

I think I could get a career as a sock model, don't you??? Oh, and actually these pics are from the other day, I am now to the point where I need to switch colors for the toe... ooh la la! But must save that for sock class on tuesday. Here's hoping I have a finished sock next week!

Sweater progress:

How can I be in the black hole of endless stockinette ALREADY? Haha oh well. It will be totally worth it when I am done!

AND! Today was Cynthia's Yarn Sale!!!!!!!! Look what I bought:

Mostly wools, one ball is cotton. See the two balls of sock yarn? I am already thinking of my next pair! I must be addicted already.

Oh... and Cynthia?

I GOT A PICTURE OF YOUR STASH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hahahahahahahahahah *evil laugh*

I win! YOU LOSE! NICE TRY! Now who's the sneaky one?!?????? Too bad the table blocks a lot of the yarn on the floor, but I had to take this shot really really fast. I am still amazed she didnt catch me.

But her dog Purl is adorable!!!!

Purl says: "Lauren is Evil!"


Unknown said...

Wow! Look at that sock! Can I import Cynthia for a sock knitting course in Ohio?! Please?!

I had better get a move on with my Hourglass...

Designated Knitter said...




Macoco said...

Your sock looks great! I just started a pair this weekend and I'm just all nervous. It looks so small (the leg part) but then once the ribbing stretches out it looks fine...

YarnThrower said...

I'm so bummed I had to miss Cynthia's sale..... Hard to explain to my dh that I'm going yarn shipping, and then to add that it is in Fort Wayne..... I didn't know she has a new dog..... She's a little sneaky herself!