Friday, November 03, 2006

Mood swings

OK so I decided to cast on for the baby hat. I sat down to watch the Office (best show ever!) while i knit. A half-hour later, when the show was over, i FINALLY had one row knit on the stupid hat. The picture below expresses my sentiments towards knitting at the moment of completion of that row:

See, knitting doesn't always relieve stress. Sometimes it causes it! After that, I quit for the night...

So today at lunch I got crackin' for a good hour, knitting away with these teeeny tiny needles.. (ok they feel teeny to me, even though i know there are smaller sizes!)... and I actually made some nice progress! Total 180 on my knitting mood, as you can see below:

I am definitely glad to have the beginning of this darn hat DONE. :-) So we will see how things go from here!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I love the hand emotions. XD