Unfortunately, I didnt get to make them from just one skein, I had to buy a second one friday. But they are done, and they dont look half bad! The bind off around the knuckes is curling a little, so I will probably try to block them lightly eventually. I am planning on giving these to my mom for Christmas. Whats that? I have one Christmas knitting object DONE IN SEPTEMBER???? Yeah, i rule. ;-)
SO anyway, last night was KICK ASS! I dont know if any of you faithful readers listen to a morning radio show called Bob & Tom, but they are hilarious and have many talented and hilarious comedians on their show. Last night I went to the "Friends of Bob & Tom" Comedy Show, and it was great! It was at the embassy downtown, very nice, and then afterwards I went to the bar (Buckets) where the comedians were planning on heading after the show, and we got to HANG OUT with them!!!! It was SO awesome, I mean, these guys are pretty famous. I was there with my friend Alicia and her friend Kelly, and I had made us all Tshirts that said "BIRBIGS" on the front with iron on letters. Birbigs is a nickname for one of the comedians, Mike Birbiglia. Anyway, all the guys (like 5 of them) were VERY nice and funny and totally sat at our table and talked to us, gave us drinks, etc. It was AWESOME! :-) Kelly had a digital camera, so I will post her good quality pictures she took when she emails them to me.

Kelly and Mike Birbiglia, haha.
OK, gonna go grab some dinner and watch the ND game, bye!