Thursday, August 03, 2006

In the meantime...

While the lovely scarf finishes drying (I felt it again this morning, feels dry... so I am unpinning it from the floor this evening!) I have grabbed the baby blanket to work on again. Now, skeins usually work by finding one end of the yarn, and pulling out from the center of the skein. The yarn is supposed to pull out nicely so you can just knit away from that. The yarn I am using for the baby blanket is THE MEANEST, and tangles and does crazy stuff... so I was like, FINE: I will wind it into a ball. Needless to say, it was hopelessly tangled.... The yellow circle highlights an impossible tangle of yarn that is the result of many hours of untangling. There was only one solution left... (besides pulling my hair out in frustration)... Cut it. Yep.... grabbed the ol' scissors and cut that stupid knot out. So then what? Two balls. Oh well... Not a huge deal. And now the yarn is well behaved and ready to go again. Coming soon: beautifully blocked IHS! I am so excited!!!!!

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