Friday, May 12, 2006

knitting at... lunch?!?!?

Surprise, I am knitting on my lunchbreak! Hah... wherever did I come up with the name for this blog anyway? yeah, so...

Look at that cute little yarnover. Isn't it adorable? Lol... I was in mid-row, and felt like taking a picture. I am still plugging away at that ol' blanket... a little each day. I hope I can get it done before the kid is in high school!

Today is COLD and RAINY. So much for a nice spring day in mid-may. Sheesh. I could even see my breath this morning. Indiana = lame.

Alright, back to work. Happy friday! (Gonna go out tonight, woo hoo)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You mean you haven't been running your air conditioner for the last month? I'm not sure which I prefer honestly. I miss winter and snow, but I don't miss grey skies for 7 months. April is usually pretty mild here, lots of rain but warm enough that no one really cares. Not this year. We were getting up into the nineties in mid-April. I'm scared to know what the summer is going to bring.