Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Little hats and blankets

I decided it was time to do something with this box of scrap skeins I have been keeping forever. My first thought of course was baby hats! I pulled out some colors I liked and came up with these:

(Side note: WHY does blogger turn my photos like this? so annoying!)

(I give up... everyone just tilt your heads to the right. thanks)

So anyway! The first one is geared towards a baby boy but doesn't have a recipient just yet. The second one I had enough of the green to make an entire hat, and then I had the idea to go buy a flower hair clip (tarjay) and clip it onto the stitches. I gave that one to some friends/former coworkers who won't find out the sex of their kid until they are born in Sept. It works out great though: if they have a girl, the hat is fine! If they have a boy, they can remove the clip and give it to their daughter! Perfect :-)

In other baby knitting news, I started some baby blankets. I'm not sure if I should post them just yet because I want them to be a surprise... so hold tight people! I am making them stroller sized, so the first one is almost done and it's only been a week! Woot.

1 comment:

Shateen said...

ah...what a stud. i like the clip idea! i might have to steal that from ya. and tarjay? AWESOME-ness!!!