Friday, April 27, 2012

Owls - FO update

I just realized that the last picture of the Owls sweater I knit for my friend Erin shows it still on the needles! Oops! I finished the sweater after having her try it on and confirming that it fit (whew).

Then I had to sew on all the little tiny owl eyes. Wasn't too bad, I put on some TV shows on Hulu, and also I carried the thread across the back from eye to eye on each individual owl. I didn't want to carry it from owl to owl in case it messed with the stretchability of the yoke. I can't remember if I mentioned it but the buttons were cheapo plastic ones that came in a mixed pack of brown, grey, white, and tan. I like em!

Erin was kind enough to have her hubby snap a photo of her modeling the sweater. Isn't she pretty??? I'm so glad I made this for her!

Now... I had a decent amount of yarn leftover after knitting the sweater. This is happening to me a LOT it seems! Either the yarn store people are trying to weasel more money out of me, or I am just reallllly bad at estimating yardage for sweaters :-) Oh well, I am not complaining about extra yarn! In fact, I used it to do something extra for my friend Erin.... something that I will blog about once I get some photos!!! (I'm such a tease!) Anyway hope you all have a fabulous weekend. My hubby is out of town on a trip but I've been keeping busy knitting and playdating and such!


Shateen said...

oh goodness she is so cute!!

Natalie DeWitt said...

Love it all!