Saturday, January 12, 2008

An Epic Friday

Today is an especially awesome Friday.... because today I cast off not ONE but TWO PROJECTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lol. I am sure some of you naturally amazing knitters this happens all the time, but for me... its quite rare ;-)

My Fabulous Friday FOs (FFFOs) are:

1. Quant!!!! I still need to block it but I think it looks pretty cool. The entrelac was fun after I got the hang of it, and the Patons SWS did all the hard work with the colors!

Thanks to Designated Knitter for taking the pics ;-)

2. Baby blanket half! My co-blanket knitter finished her half today, so it inspired me to finish my half. Now we just need to have a sewing up party and it will be a soft and beautiful present for my little nephew!

Hope everyone else had a great friday ;-)

1 comment:

Macoco said...

I love both of your finished projects! The white board behind you with the "DO NOT ERASE" cracked me up. ;)