Well I did it.... I did my first craft fair! It went pretty well! I learned some things and enjoyed getting the first experience under my belt. As you can see from the photo I had a pretty adorable helper with me too!
Let's take a closer look at how my display turned out....
My awesome friend C lent me her extra wooden box and I think it really helped my display look nice having a box on each side! I will definitely purchase a second one if I do a craft show in the future. Another thing I ran out of time to do but SHOULD have done was make little signs explaining what the piles of knitted things were! In the pic above you can see my "kid cowls", but it's hard to tell that they are kid-sized just from looking at them. I didn't sell any headbands at the show, but I am hopefully going to get a message from someone about a custom order for a different color! I am wondering if I need to adjust my pricing on those too. Things to think about!

On the other side of the table I had my adult cowls, and my fun head models (affectionately named Sam and Diane... hehe). They pulled their weight at the show considering I sold that hat off Diane, and the white cowl off of Sam! Way to go, mannequins! Big thanks again to my husband for making the wooden stand to hold the heads up. :)
Another thing that people loved was my sign! A big shout out to
Vistaprint for having a great and easy-to-use website, and excellent customer service. I am pretty pleased with the quality of the material they used and the fast shipping.
My cutest little blue-lipped visitor... ;-) (he had a sucker earlier)
Last but not least, a BIG thank you to everyone who came to visit me at the show!!!! I had friends and family alike come out to support me and hang out with me, and you all made the time fly by! I am a very lucky person. You all rock!
Have a great week everyone!!!!